“Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart” (Luke 2:19).

At Christmas time there’s so much to wonder about.

Almost every child has snuck into the room to slide under the tree and gaze at the presents.  “I wonder what they got me.”  Tiny hands cannot be restrained from grasping and shaking the package to assess the contents.  “If only I could see what’s in there.”

Can you imagine holding the baby Jesus on that first Christmas Eve?  Mary didn’t have to sneak a peak or guess.  She knew.  He came from her, but he was sent from God.  Mary compared what she’d been told with what was now happening.  She couldn’t comprehend how the “contents” of this little package might affect her life but now she could see him.   She marveled at the love of God.  God with us!  And then gazing into his precious face she embraced God’s Son, “Hello Jesus.  Welcome to your new home.”

One Friday, 33 years after Mary pondered the miraculous birth of the Son of God, she had to say goodbye.  She watched him go.  She believed that his innocent death covered the guilt of every sin.  She knew that she couldn’t keep him here because he belonged there on the throne with his Father.  She remembered, like only a mother can remember, everything that was said of him, everything that was done to him, everything he had told her.  Deep in her heart she trusted that she would see him again and hear him return the greeting, “Hello mother, welcome home.”

Part of the mystery of Christmas is learning how to say hello to Jesus before you have to say goodbye.  His coming has changed our going.  His greeting on the other side ties directly to our believing that he came to save us sinful human beings.  “Hello, welcome home,” he’ll say to all who trust him as Savior.  And the gift of eternal life which he bought for us by his birth, life, and death will be completely unwrapped.

Watch the Christmas Story:

My Son, My Savior: Mary, Mother of Jesus

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