Worship services focus on readings from the Bible which point to Jesus as our Savior and teach us about the meaning of life with him. All sermons, hymns, prayers, music, and singing revolve around the Scripture readings each week. Worship services usually include the following parts in a variety of forms:

THE INVOCATION – We call on the name of our Savior God as we gather to hear his Word and respond in praise to him.

ADMITTING SINS and RECEIVING FORGIVENESS – We acknowledge that we have not always done what God asks. Then we are assured of forgiveness because of what Jesus Christ has done for us.

BIBLE READINGS – We hear selections from God’s Old Testament prophets, Jesus’ apostles, and from Jesus himself in the Gospels.

SERMON – The pastor offers instruction and encouragement in a Bible-based sermon. We hear how we can expect God’s guidance and grace for dealing with problems, as well as the promise of eternal life in heaven through Jesus.

RESPONSE TO GOD’S WORD – We respond with offerings, hymns, prayers and special music for the things God has promised to us and for strength to do what he has asked.

PARTING BLESSING – We hear one last assurance of God’s love and care.


With Whom Should I Pray?

Prayer is one side of a conversation. God gets his chance to…

Why isn’t God listening to me?

“So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and…



What does this mean? "Amen" A Hebrew word which means firm,…


What does this mean? "Gospel" The Gospel is the good news…


Many people have many different ideas. Just a good man who lived and died? A charismatic man whose followers stretched the truth? A holy man with some connection to the divine? A prophet like Mohammed? Who is Jesus?


Ever have a question about worship practices but didn’t know whom to ask? Well here’s the place for you! Learn the meaning of the Scripture readings in church,. Learn how to pray. And understand religious terms used in the church setting.