Is There a God?

The Bible doesn’t try to prove that there’s a God.  It simply…

What makes a person prepared to take communion?

You've noticed not everyone goes up to take Communion.  How…
Communion bread and wine. Body and Blood. Forgiveness. For me and for you... the believer.

What is the point of Holy Communion?

The point of communion is to give believers comfort that our…
The Climb

How do I achieve enlightenment?

It’s a familiar story line: the wandering soul climbing to…

Am I good enough to go to heaven?

Mom went over to the slow cooker where the turkey had been all…

Why Do I Feel Guilty?

You have seen the struggle before, haven't you? The TV sitcom…


Many people have many different ideas. Just a good man who lived and died? A charismatic man whose followers stretched the truth? A holy man with some connection to the divine? A prophet like Mohammed? Who is Jesus?


Ever have a question about worship practices but didn’t know whom to ask? Well here’s the place for you! Learn the meaning of the Scripture readings in church,. Learn how to pray. And understand religious terms used in the church setting.