Ponder the Wonder of God
He will be called Wonderful (Isaiah 9:6).
What a wonder! God superseded the laws of nature to be born a human being. Nothing is beyond his ability; his love for us stops at no limits to exercise itself for our complete welfare.
Let the wonder of our Savior’s nativity convince us once and for all that we ought not expect God’s ways to coincide with our earthbound thinking. God’s rescue plan for mankind required going beyond human comprehension. The wonder of the scene at Bethlehem is a testimony to that.
Ponder this in the solitude of your heart: What God accomplishes in our lives cannot always be gauged by appearances. If loneliness grieves us, if reverses or humble circumstances distress us, we must not conclude that our God has turned from us. It is through just such conditions that he can bring about the fulfillment of what he in his love is planning for our eternal benefit. His ways are not our ways. He often acts in ways that are mysterious to us—that are a wonderful display of his power, love, and discipline. He who once miraculously gave his eternal Son wrapped in human flesh can send us the most precious of blessings in the plainest packages.