Is There a God?
The Bible doesn’t try to prove that there’s a God. It simply assumes that there is. People who ask this question are usually looking for a logical proof that God exists, and there have been many attempts to construct one over the centuries.
Let’s begin with another question. “Does this world have a meaning or a purpose?” The two questions are closely connected. If the universe is here intentionally—in other words, if it has meaning–there must be somebody or something who “meant” it. On the other hand, if the universe is nothing more than one massive accident, that would seriously damage the argument that there has to be a God.
Most people can see the problem with the second view. Think of it this way. Suppose you and I are hiking together in a forest. We come upon a tree with an indentation in the shape of a heart on it. Inside the heart are more indentations in the shape of these letters: TREVOR LOVES TIFFANY. You remark that somebody carved the design into the tree—probably Trevor, who wanted to impress Tiffany.
I argue, “How do you know? Grubs, woodpeckers, or lightning could have done that.”
You say that since grubs and woodpeckers can’t spell, in my scenario the design would be a completely chance event. The odds would be astronomical against a chance event producing a design with a message that makes sense. It’s a lot easier to think of somebody carving the design into the tree on purpose.
I answer, “But the ‘sense’ that the design ‘makes’ only exists inside your head. Objectively, that design is nothing more than some indentations on a tree. You can’t prove that a person exists who meant to put it there.”
How impressed would you be with my argument?
Most people understand that the odds against this world being a product of blind chance are astronomical. The beauty and purposefulness of nature are one reason. The spiritual dimension of a human being is another. Atoms crashing into one another just can’t explain love, kindness, humor, or pleasure in what’s beautiful or true. Above all, how could a meaningless universe produce a being (me) who cares about meaning? If there is no point to the universe or to my own life, then how did the idea that there should be a point get inside my head?
In the end, if I were determined to keep doubting that there is meaning (and therefore a God), how could you prove to me that there is? Think back to the tree in the forest. The only way to really convince me would be if Trevor came around the bend in the trail and you introduced me to him.
That’s what happens in the Bible. In it, the writers introduce us to God, the Author of all things. And the message isn’t just that he loves “Tiffany.” It’s that he loves you and me–more than we will ever know.