Calming Fears
When someone you know is really scared, what can you do to help them overcome their fears?
Do you know what most people do? They try to divert their attention away! If they’re afraid of heights they yell, “Don’t look down!” If they are afraid of lightning flashing at night, you close the curtain.
But the person is still way up high and lightning still flashes. There must be a better solution to help those who are afraid.
God wants you to trust in him. In the Bible he provides the answer to quieting fear: “I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go” (Genesis 28:15). And also, “Cast all your anxiety (fear) on him (Christ) because he cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7).
Do you know someone who is afraid. Maybe you can share God’s promise with them.
Do you regret not knowing what to say to such a person from the Bible? Then perhaps you can read your Bible more and learn what to say.
Hiding from fear won’t last. Distracting one’s attention from fear won’t last. Only one thing will help someone overcome their fear. Share God’s promises with them.
It is God’s love for them that will help them overcome their fear. God proved this love for us by sending his Son, Jesus, to take away the sins of the world and give us his true peace.
Direct people to Jesus’ love and you will help them overcome their fears!