What Are the Lutheran Confessions?

Lutherans have accepted nine historic confessions since the birth…
My Offering - Donation App

Giving: Do Christians Have to Tithe?

In your question you use the words “have to.” These are words…

The church just wants my money

You hear it expressed all the time. "All they talk about in church…
Past Experience

What if my past church experience was bad?

What do I do? Let's try the naively optimistic answer: "Bad…

What is a Lutheran?

Lutherans get their name from Martin Luther, a man born in Germany…
Join Church

Do I need church?

Baseball fans go to baseball games. Football fans go to football…


Many people have many different ideas. Just a good man who lived and died? A charismatic man whose followers stretched the truth? A holy man with some connection to the divine? A prophet like Mohammed? Who is Jesus?


Ever have a question about worship practices but didn’t know whom to ask? Well here’s the place for you! Learn the meaning of the Scripture readings in church,. Learn how to pray. And understand religious terms used in the church setting.