I believe in God
“Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” – John 17:3
I Believe in God
“I believe that the meeting is on the 15th… but I’m not sure.”
“I’m not sure. I believe that cold weather is on its way.”
“I believe this is a healthy option,”
“I’m voting for this candidate because of my beliefs.”
“I don’t know for sure. I believe Mom is planning to have us all at her place this year.”
In our everyday conversations, sometimes the words “I believe” = “I’m not sure.” We are all battling sin and want to know the truth. We know we can’t believe everything we hear, especially in politics, social media, and even what others say to be truth.
But when Christians talk about their faith, it’s just the opposite. The words “I believe” = “I know for sure. I am confident. I know this to be true.”
What do we know for sure? What are we confident of? What do we know to be true? Do you believe in man? Do you believe you are right?
The Apostles’ Creed is a nice, short summary of what Christians believe. It starts with the words: I believe in God…
Jesus says to us in the Bible: “Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.”
Faith is about knowing. Knowing facts. I believe = I know the facts of who God is and what he has done for me. I believe, I know, I am confident, I am sure that God made me, saved me through his Son, forgave me through faith in Jesus Christ, gave me eternal life.
Faith is also about knowing someone. It’s a relationship. Confident trust. I believe = I know and trust this creating, saving, forgiving, life-giving God as my God because he sent Jesus Christ, his Son, for me.
In our lives, so much can be uncertain: weather, politics, conflicts across the world, our health, our employment. Who can we trust? What can we believe to be true?
Here’s something you can be certain about: that the true God is your God, that he sent Jesus Christ to die and rise again for you, and that by trusting him as your Savior you have eternal life. You can say: “I know this to be true. I am sure of it. I am confident of it. I believe in God.”