Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday

In Christian churches all over the world, the Sunday before Easter…
The Lord's Supper

Maundy Thursday

The Thursday of Holy Week, the week between Palm Sunday and Easter…
Good Friday

Good Friday

If you wanted to know about God, where would you look? For some…


He asked her, “Woman, why are you crying? Who is it you are…

Born of a virgin

In Jesus we find exactly what we need – a Savior who is truly man, but also truly God.

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Your sins are forgiven too. Your sins were sent away onto the shoulders of Jesus.

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The ultimate miracle

Friends, every religious leader in history is in his grave right now except one, and that’s Jesus Christ. You can place all your trust in him to rescue you from death.

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Is something bothering you? Want a shoulder to lean on? God wants to help. You are not alone Find out what Jesus offers you in your life situation.